So glad you posted - I was wondering how you were doing. I was/am in the same boat. I didn't know how to react in most social situations and either over reacted or under reacted. Personally, I dated and made friends and joined groups, and made mistakes. Most non-JWs expect you to make mistakes and are very forgiving. Relax, have fun, there's only one way to learn............
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Being a Socially Inept ex-JW
by LaurenM inso i'm absolutely clueless concerning relationships.
i had barely any friends at all growing up a jw kid & absolutely no interaction with "worldly" people or any guys whatsoever.
i have had a relationship of sorts with a guy for 4.5 months now, but i'm so clueless!
just fine
From my time as a JW I have had enough of telling other people what to think and of being told what to think. Just because someone believes something doesn't mean I have to inform them of my opinion and then convince them to think like me. I don't have to save the world - they need to save themselves.
Can you relate?
by TimeBandit ini used to try really hard to fit in when i was an active, true blue jw.
somehow it hardly ever paid off.
time after time i attempted to mingle and make jw friends.
just fine
I know what you mean. The hall I was in was pretty inclusive until this one elder and his wife came along. Then it was pitting people against each other and intentionally leaving people out and being mean for no reason. Of course the elders wife mentioned above ended up having a sordid affair with a young pioneer brother in the hall. They both got disfellowshipped, she became a stripper, so I guess I am glad I was excluded from that group. 😀
I've been found out!
by pale.emperor inwell, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
just fine
What was she doing going through your laptop?!? That is crazy, but - it could be a blessing in the long run. You are going to be free of this cult and able to move on to start living. It's the ending of that part of your life and the beginning of the rest. Good luck.
Should I just tell my parents
by BlackWolf inlately i've been feeling just so fed up with this stupid religion i really can't take it anymore!
i'm starting to think that maybe i should just tell my parents how i really feel.
if they treat me too badly or kick me out i could probably stay with my non jw aunt.. ive just reached my breaking point, i don't really care what people think of me anymore.
just fine
It will be ok. There is hope - you have one year to make plan. You can't change them, all you can do is deal with them knowing they are in a cult.
i was scared when I left too, but it all turned out good in the end. You will find your way. Hugs and love to you.
slimboyfat joins the Mormons!
by slimboyfat ini know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
just fine
Wasanelder Once - I can't agree more. I once lived near Salt Lake and it was awful to be non-Mormon. The God complex is strong with them.
Cofty- I have no use for any religion, I am not missing something that I try to fill with religion. But at the same time I don't know what is best for everyone, some people seem to have a need to be part of organized religion. They can't seem to sort out their problems so they turn to religion to offer a better prospect in the future. I prefer to live now.
slimboyfat joins the Mormons!
by slimboyfat ini know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
just fine
Cofty - because it's not up to me to tell other people what to believe. Nor do I want that responsibility. I only have to scrutinize my own beliefs. Although I am finding it hard to believe that SBF would fall for what the Mormons are selling. -
slimboyfat joins the Mormons!
by slimboyfat ini know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
just fine
I don't know what to say. I am trying to be respectful of others beliefs but the Mormons where I live are not a nice bunch of people on the inside. I hope you are not getting tangled up with another cult. But if you gain something from being associated with them, then carry on.
Update and a Thank you!
by Darkknight757 ini wanted to say hello again and offer a big thank you to sites like this that have helped so many wake up to watchtower bs as well as offered the support that so many need after leaving the cult.
personally i have been learning more doctrinally with regard to the witlesses lately including more about their history.
"look behind to learn" was a recent theme of the j-dumb broadcast and they are right!
just fine
In my fade what worked best was to say nothing to the parents. When they finally did ask I told them that I loved them and wanted them in my life, but religion was going to be off limits. Also that I wouldn't tell them things that might upset them so please don't ask questions that you are not going to like the answers to. In the beginning it was rocky. Now I have a good relationship with my parents, even vacation together and the religion is never brought up. -
I Didn't Belong
by Nihilistic Journey ini remember an art project when i was six years old.
the teacher handed out felt pine trees that we glued to burlap sheets.
everyone then attached little pieces of colorful material to the felt trees.
just fine
I am so sorry you didn't fit in - that was my experience too. When I first left he JWs I joined a volleyball league and it was the first time I fit in anywhere - and even then it was hard to let myself fit in.